What Makes Parti Impian Sabah Different
Parti Impian Sabah Can Bring Change To Sabah When It Becomes A Government
Parti Impian Sabah can transform Sabah into a state with a high per capita income when granted the mandate to rule the state by the people of Sabah because:
Parti Impian Sabah's primary struggle is founded on faith in God. Parti Impian Sabah believes that God will bless the people of Sabah when worthy efforts are undertaken in good faith, based on God's glory, to bring growth and prosperity to the state and its people, regardless of race or religion, and to manage the natural resources of His creation in a prudent and responsible manner.
Sasaran pragmatik Parti Impian Sabah untuk membawa Sabah menjadi ‘Negeri Maju Berpendapatan Tinggi’ menjelang tahun 2030 dengan pelaksanaan pelbagai rancangan pemerkasaan ekonomi negeri, jaringan infrastruktur & utiliti menyeluruh, kesejahteraan sosial & keharmonian masyarakat, mengembangkan kekayaan warisan budaya Sabah dan pemuliharaan mampan ekosistem alam sekitar yang diilhamkannya.
Parti Impian Sabah is determined to address the people’s grievances about the weaknesses of the previous state government's administrative system by implementing proficient administration at the state and district levels. Parti Impian Sabah maintains the beneficial state government policies while improving policies that are no longer relevant today.
Parti Impian Sabah is committed to resolving the people's grievances against the work ethic in the state public sector, complicated public sector procedures that burden the people and the imbalanced distribution of state aid, all of which were ignored by the previous government.
Parti Impian Sabah has identified the financial resources and wealth of the State of Sabah to bring about the development and change needed for the long-awaited prosperity.
All top leaders of Parti Impian Sabah are graduates who are qualified in terms of qualifications, abilities, responsibilities, integrity, efficiency, trustworthiness and are not affiliated with any other political party.
Kepimpinan Berintegriti Dan Berkebolehan
Parti Impian Sabah implements the principle of good leadership by example to earn the confidence and respect of the people.
The party implements the principle at all levels of its leadership in the organization, including understanding of political aspects, to nurture quality leaders who can shape the party’s future leaders and members in achieving its goals.
Recruitment Of Key Leaders
The recruitment of key leaders is taken seriously by Parti Impian Sabah. The party is extremely selective and thorough in ensuring that the chosen candidates are educated, truly qualified and meet the party's predetermined requirements.
The party has developed its own leader’s selection protocol that covers eligibility requirements, character strengths, and relevant prospective leader characteristics. Parti Impian Sabah chooses its leaders in a way that is different from how most political parties do it, which is often based on position, influence and money.
Limited-Term Position
Parti Impian Sabah implements a mechanism to regulate the length of time a party member can hold a post. The limited-term post has benefits of its own and could offer an opportunity for other party members to serve and carry out adjustments over time.
A party member may hold office for a maximum of two terms of six years each term. The party member who will take over as leader will be chosen through a careful selection process.
Succession Leaders
Parti Impian Sabah implemented the leader succession programme to strengthen its leadership lineup in accordance with the party's objective of encouraging the younger generation to serve. This innovative leader succession programme provides the party with a strategic advantage and the readiness to face various challenges.
Clean, Honest And Trustworthy
Barisan kepimpinan Parti Impian Sabah (PIS) adalah benar-benar bersih dan amanah. Pemimpin-pemimpin parti berpegang kepada asas kejujuran, menolak politik wang dan menjauhi amalan rasuah untuk berkhidmat secara berkesan demi kemakmuran rakyat Sabah. Pemimpin-pemimpin Parti Impian Sabah boleh bebas bersuara dan menuntut dengan tegas penyelesaian kepada masalah rakyat Sabah tanpa kekangan.
Parti Impian Sabah turut mengkehendaki para pemimpin utamanya melafazkan Ikrar Bebas Rasuah (IBR) Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia. Mereka perlu mengikuti taklimat dan aktiviti pencegahan rasuah untuk membentuk keperibadian yang dihormati oleh masyarakat.
Quality Leadership
Para pemimpin Parti Impian Sabah berkelayakan dari segi akademik, berkebolehan dan bertanggungjawab. Kualiti kepimpinan yang baik serta berpendidikan sudah pasti membolehkan mereka melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang diamanahkan dengan efisien. Mereka pasti dapat membawa ideologi baru dalam membawa perubahan kepada hidup rakyat.
Involvement Of Professionals
Of Parti Impian Sabah includes professionals from diverse fields, such as social, economic, and environmental, in its highest heads the party bureaus' leadership positions. organizational structure and, subsequently, heads the party bureaus' leadership positions.
Parti Impian Sabah Has The Potential To Win
Parti Impian Sabah has no affiliation with any leader or party in Peninsular Malaysia and will not use their political gimmicks.
Parti Impian Sabah was founded by leaders and the people of Sabah who share the same aspiration and vision to see Sabah develop and prosper without Peninsular Malaysia's meddling.
Parti Impian Sabah has a distinct and clear development strategy to propel Sabah to the status of a High Income Developed State.
Parti Impian Sabah has a distinct and clear development strategy to propel Sabah to the status of a High Income Developed State.
The central struggle of Parti Impian Sabah is consistent with the long-awaited ideology, principles and policies of the people of Sabah. It is founded on the pillars of faith in God as a source of inspiration and strength and fear of God as a means of abstaining from His forbidden actions.
Parti Impian Sabah is a new party with new leaders who are efficient, clean, trustworthy, have integrity and are responsible. They are committed to addressing the people's complaints as much as possible. They oppose corruption, avoid money politics, do not crave wealth and are prepared to take an oath with the MACC.
Parti Impian Sabah Can Achieve Its Struggle
Parti Impian Sabah upholds its primary goals seriously and unwaveringly. The party will not follow in the footsteps of certain leaders who have led their party astray by prioritizing personal interests in official matters, having a thirst for power, influencing through money politics, denying opportunities to new leaders and having low self-integrity principles.
Pemimpin-pemimpin Parti Impian Sabah (PIS) dipilih adalah intelektual yang berintegriti tinggi, prihatin, tekun, berkebolehan dan mengutamakan:
- The implementation and achievement of recovery plans that are inspired by Parti Impian Sabah.
- The solution to the long-ignored grievances and hardships of the people of Sabah under the former government.
- Work quality, responsibility, accountability and being a sincere, honest, trustworthy and dependable leader.
- The obligation to serve the people without regard for wealth or position, while rejecting unethical political practices.
- Good personality as evidenced by avoiding corruption and being willing to take an oath to reject corruption before the MACC.