I am always fascinated by

  • The wisdom of Sabah's history in the formation of Malaysia,
  • Perjanjian Penubuhan Malaysia 1963,
  • The power struggle between leaders to rule Sabah
  • Sabah’s level of losses from the agreement with Petronas,
  • Sabah's backwardness after 60 years of independence,
  • Why do so many Sabah leaders continue to support Peninsular Malaysian parties,
  • Will Sabah become more developed and prosperous without being reliant on Peninsular Malaysian parties?

Power struggles between Malaya and Sabah leaders have been going on since the beginning of the establishment of Malaysia. The chaos occurred when the ruling parties in Sabah did not support or adhere to the instructions of the Federation of Malaya. It began during the reign of Tun Datu Mustapha Datu Harun, the Chief Minister of Sabah and President of Parti USNO.

The leadership of Peninsular Malaysia established Parti Berjaya to counter the influence of Tun Mustapha. The main goal of Tun Fuad Stephens' (Donald Stephens') Parti Berjaya was to remove Tun Mustapha from power. Unfortunately, Tun Fuad Stephens was also not in accord with Peninsular Malaysia, which resulted in the 1976 “Double Six Tragedy.” The dark moment in Sabah's history has claimed the lives of several founding leaders of the Establishment of Malaysia in a plane crash that they boarded in Labuan. Labuan.

The pro-peninsular Datuk HarisSalleh has succeeded Tun Fuad Stephens as President of Parti Berjaya and as Chief Minister of Sabah. In June 1976, they breached the 1963 Malaysian Constitution by appointing a Sabah Chief Minister who concurred with their directives. The action has cost the people of Sabah tremendous losses especially in natural resources, taxation and infrastructure developement.

Still prevalent today is the belief that Sabah cannot undertake people's welfare initiatives to lift itself out of poverty without the cooperation of parties from Peninsular Malaysia.There are six Peninsular Malaysian political parties established in Sabah, namely UMNO, KEADILAN, AMANAH, DAP, PPBM and PAS.

Sadly, Sabah remains the poorest state since the formation of Malaysia in 1963. As evidenced by Sabah's historical facts, Peninsular Malaysian leaders and political parties sought to influence the state's government not only to get the necessary seats to form the parlimentary government but also because of the state's abundant natural resources.

Rakyat of Sabah are concerned about the political instability, slow infrastructure development, weakening economy, and social unrest that have been going on for extended period. The implementation of development programmes by the state government was often modified to accommodate the interests of ruling parties.

The lack of knowledge and competency among some leaders holding ministry portfolio also contribute to the implementation of less competitive economic policies, uneconomical natural resources utilization, ineffective development strategies, and less efficient administrative system.

Many of the officials who rule the government lack the administrative and operational skills necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the portfolios they hold. Even more unfortunate is the fact that in the past, the leaders of the ruling political parties introduced perverse political ideologies, less competitive economic policies, inefficient and sometimes wasteful public welfare programmes, ineffective development strategies, and an ineffective administrative system. This contributes to the current situation faced by the Sabah people.

Unethical and money politics indirectly cause the following consequences:

  • The dignity of the Sabah people has been pawned for ringgits.
  • Wakil Rakyat can be a low-level leader.
  • People therefore label politics as filthy and unchangeable.
  • If a candidate of calibre and people-oriented does not engage in money politics, he will find it difficult to become a Wakil Rakyat
  • One day, Sabah will no longer have qualified, competent, clean and trustworthy Wakil Rakyat.
  • The winning Wakil Rakyat do not prioritize the interests of the people but instead emphasise recouping the funds spent on the general election.
  • Party-hopping culture will not be curtailed.
  • The state government will not be stable.
  • Poverty and backwardness in Sabah cannot be eradicated.
  • Sabah will remain under the control of Peninsular Malaysia.
  • Sabah will not get the autonomous power to rule as desired.
  • The State of Sabah's rights as enshrined in MA63 cannot be fully met.
  • The people of Sabah are unable to fully benefit from the state's natural resources and wealth, such as oil and gas.
  • Foreign investors lack the confidence to invest in Sabah.

Unceased excessive politicking often leads to disunity and sometimes threatens family unity. Members of a family may become estranged as a result of their inability to comprehend the function of politics, immature political attitude and insufficient knowledge due to disputes over the ideologies of the party they are supporting. A more serious argument could lead to animosity between people of different races and religions, and it might even lead to the breakup of a friendship.

Political party is an organisation formed by bringing together people to fight together for their state prosperity through democracy process. Politics is a platform, and it is not filthy. It was tarnished by political leaders who turned their backs on the hopes of the people of Sabah by using money to obtain support and abusing authority for their own personal gain.

What is causing this?

Many Sabahans are still impoverished and lead a backward and difficult life. They will accept any form of livelihood assistance from any party. Politicians taken advantage of the opportunity to gain support by distributing money to the poor without much consideration about the negative consequences of engaging in such political practices. As a result, countless Sabah political figures are mired in a very difficult-to-change situation.

Sabah’s people are suffering, lagging in development compared to Peninsular Malaysia, dependent of federal allocation for state development, unresolved social issues, inefficient natural resource management, the inverted ideologies of peninsular politicians, and the never-ending political turbulence in Sabah have all reached alarming levels. These issues will worsen and the democratic system will collapse if the people of Sabah continues to label politic as the political leaders’ pathway to achieve prosperity or there is no political party that will govern the state with honesty, integrity, and probity.

I am confident that all these situations can still be improved. It is not too late for us to usher in a better developed and orderly future for Sabah’s diverse population. However, we must act immediately.

Sabah needs a political party that genuinely upholds ethical-political ideals and is not influenced by power or money politics in order to accomplish the dream of its people. Sabah requires a new generation of morally upright, capable, and qualified leaders. They must have a distinct mission and vision, be innovative in solving the people’s grievances, and implement a well defined long-term plan for Sabah’s prosperity.

This new party leaders must be committed to:

I took the painstaking path for the sake of my motherland by founding a new party that upholds the five pillars for the party's solidarity to accomplish the ambitions of Sabah.

Apart from defending the rights of the people of Sabah, the party serves as a platform for:


Restoring the public’s confidence in Sabah’s political through the formation of a clean political party that practices a healthy political approach.


Uniting the people of Sabah who want to work together to achieve their dreams and prosperity under the auspices of a party.


Uniting capable and virtuous leaders to develop Sabah under the auspices of a new party.


Providing an election strategy that can succeed and become the government sothat the recovery and growth of prosperity, well-being, and advancement of the State of Sabah may be accomplished with success.

I hope you will support Parti Impian Sabah because of the following advantages:


arti Impian Sabah is a party unaffiliated with any Peninsular Malaysian leader or party.


Parti Impian Sabah features a fresh lineup of leaders with integrity, calibre, and qualifications, as well as the spirit of Sabahans, to build our beloved state.


Parti Impian Sabah implements the principles and policies of the people's well-being that the people of Sabah dream of.


Parti Impian Sabah is different from other political parties in its core, policies, administrative structure, constitution and its implementation.


Parti Impian Sabah is committed has a realistic ideology that is highly expected by the people of Sabah.


Parti Impian Sabah is capable of bringing a prosperous future to Sabah.


Parti Impian Sabah is devoted to pursuing the rights of the people of Sabah as outlined in the 20 articles of the 1963 Malaysia Establishment Agreement (MA63).


Parti Impian Sabah is optimistic that its honest, integrity, and probity governing approach would allow it to fulfil its goals.

I am writing to genuinely ask you, ladies and gentlemen, to give Part Impian Sabah a chance and your trust so that we may once again work together to bring the dreams of the people of Sabah into reality.


Vision, Mission And Goals

The Main Reasons
Of Formation Of Parti Impian Sabah

Sabah's future prosperity depends on putting an end to the current political unrest. In the light of this need, Parti Impian Sabah was formed because:


He was raised in Kg. Manduring with his mother and father after being born in Kampung Panimbanan, Telupid District. At the time, his father was employed by Kong Borneo's timber camp.

In 1975, he went to Sungai Sapi Primary School. He walks to school every day. His journey took about one and half hour, as the school was located about 2 kilometers from where he lived. He occasionally found himself unable to attend school during the rainy season due to the risk of traversing the woods while wearing heavily damp clothing. Praise God for keeping him safe during those six years.

His family moved to Kg. Muanad 1 in Beluran in 1981, after the logging camp was shut down, so he could enroll in Form 1 at SMK Beluran. His father could only work in the rubber and fruit plantations at that time because he never went to school. He helps his father on weekends and during the school holidays.

In 1984, he enrolled in the science stream at SMK Sandakan. Praise the Lord! He received excellent SPM results and was offered a Diploma in Electrical Engineering at UITM Shah Alam, Selangor, in 1986. He was the first student from Beluran and Telupid Districts to be offered a diploma in engineering at UITM at the time. He confronted numerous difficulties while studying at UITM because he was in a region with a different culture, race, and way of life than Sabah.

UITM has offered him the opportunity to pursue a Master of Engineering course based on his excellent diploma course result. However, he declined the offer in order not to burden his elderly parents any further. He made the decision to work in order to provide for them. In 2017, he pursued an Executive Master’s Degree in Business at Asia e University to broaden his knowledge of business studies.

He is thankful to God for his health, his family's needs, and the money he needed to study at the time. Because of God's blessings and kindness, he was able to finish his education despite problems and obstacles.


He decided to return to Sabah after he graduated in 1988, despite having been offered a job opportunity in Kuala Lumpur. He decided to work in an area that would allow him to take care of his parents and help the villagers near his workplace.

He was accepted to work at the Wilmar Group's Sapi Palm Oil Factory in 1990. The facility is located in Kg. Ulu Sapi, 160 kilometers from Sandakan town, and is only accessible via a logging road. Kg. Ulu Sapi is located near Kg. Panimbanan and Kg. Manduring, where he was born and raised.

He consistently encouraged and assisted the villagers in cultivating their land with crops, especially oil palm, which has a steady market. Many of them are prosperous and reaping the benefits of oil palm farming.

He also opened a retail store and a petrol station to continue helping the villagers, who live in remote areas without access to infrastructure or rapid development. His aim and true wish are to assist rural people in lowering their living expenses and reducing the distance they must travel to obtain their daily needs, just as his parents had to do.

He left his position as a Senior Mill Manager at Wilmar Company in 2006. It was a difficult decision, but it allowed him to help rural people in a more comprehensive manner. When Wilmar Company assigned him to build a palm oil mill in Sri Kamusan, he was saddened after learning about the hardships of the villagers in Paitan and Sugut.

In 2010, he decided to join a political movement after realizing it was an effective means of helping the rural population. The government gives various allocations annually for the development and welfare of rural people, which are channeled through the state assemblymen. However, the elected representative does not use the money as planned because they have their own objectives and preferences.

He implemented short-term aid initiatives such as food distribution, medication assistance, and home repairs. He also gave speeches to motivate the rural community to gain confidence and self-assurance. However, the initiative was unable to change their lives. It was difficult and extremely demanding in terms of financial and human resources.

The proverb "teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" led him to implement a cassava planting initiative. Three years were spent effectively implementing the programme in Kota Marudu, Pitas, Paitan, Sugut, and Telupid. It was achieved by providing free cassava cuttings and teaching the locals how to cultivate them. He then purchased their cassava produce, had it processed, and sold it as animal feed fertilizer. The initiative was extremely difficult! He had to suspend it due to lack of funds, manpower, transportation, processing facilities and poor infrastructure. The initiative was carried out without assistance from the private sector, financial institutions, non-governmental organizations, or the government.

His hope of helping the children of remote villages to go to school was granted by God Almighty in 2018. However, the process of securing sponsors and help from the government, the commercial sector, or individuals was difficult. His dream was realized when the Kuala Lumpur Methodist Church assisted in the construction of a hostel in Kampung Ulu Sapi near Sekolah Kebangsaan Ulu Sapi and Sekolah Menengah Ulu Sapi to house these children.

As a result of his efforts and experiences helping the rural people, he realized that Sabah needs a new group of leaders who have a clear vision and a sincere mission to implement programmes that are effective in eradicating poverty. Recognizing the needs, he founded the Parti Impian Sabah in 2023 with determination and genuine ambition to bring hope to the people of Sabah.
